Oppo Realme 1 With Up to 6GB RAM Launched in India: Price, Specifications, Features Realme 1 has been launched in India on Tuesday, the first smartphone in the new Oppo brand for the country. The Realme brand is aimed at the Indian youth and meant for e-commerce channels, with Oppo naming Amazon India as its strategic partner for the launch of Realme 1, which will be exclusively available on the online marketplace. The smartphone's styling is similar to the 'glossy diamond-cut design' seen on recent offerings from Oppo - such as the Oppo F7 and Oppo A3 - though the company has foregone the iPhone X -style display notch seen on these two offerings. The Realme brand - positioned as a "premium mid-range smartphone brand" - will comprise smartphones in the Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 price range, however, more premium models can be expected in the future, the company said. The smartphone is a 'Made in India' product. Realme 1 price ...